How to Use Jarvi to Nurture Your Candidates

Nurturing to attract and maintain candidate engagement throughout the recruitment process.

How to Use Jarvi to Nurture Your Candidates

How to Use Jarvi to Nurture Your Candidates?

In this context of a relative talent shortage, where there is an average of 0.88 applications per job offer (source: Goldenbees), it becomes crucial not only to attract but also to keep candidates engaged throughout the recruitment process and beyond. Nurturing, which involves maintaining the candidate relationship, is a key strategy in this process. It’s about creating a relationship of trust and value with potential candidates long before a concrete job opportunity is presented, or even after a rejection has been issued.

Reminder: What is Nurturing?

Candidate nurturing refers to the process of continuous engagement with candidates through regular and meaningful interactions. The goal is to keep them informed, interested, and engaged with your company and thus your employer brand, even if they are not immediately ready to apply, if no position is currently available for them, or if they were not selected for a position.

Common Nurturing Practices Can Include:

  • Regular newsletters to share company news, relevant blog articles related to the industry or field, or information about upcoming events (job fairs, charity events, sports events, etc.).
  • Invitations to webinars or industry-specific events that can help candidates better understand your sector and develop professionally.
  • Personalized updates on developments within the company or information about upcoming positions that might interest them.

The Benefits of Implementing This Strategy:

Implementing a nurturing strategy will help you improve a crucial element of your recruitment process: your candidate experience. Considering that most of the time, candidates receive little to no updates on their applications, giving them more information can only make you a preferred employer.

How to Do It with Jarvi?

Jarvi isn’t specifically designed for nurturing, but as you know, we can always repurpose a tool to create a unique use case. LinkedIn Sales Navigator is a typical example: intended for sales prospecting, many recruiters use it instead of LinkedIn Recruiter to source new profiles.

Our ATS allows us to create Projects. Depending on individual needs, these can be related to a search, a client, or a job. From these projects, you can send pre-recorded messages, composed of many relevant variables for personalization, to all or part of the candidates in your project.

Sequences in Jarvi

Here, I decided to create groups based on the location of their job search.

These are precisely the two features we will repurpose to nurture a pool of candidates who are interesting for your company. By creating a nurturing candidate project and crafting specific messages for this purpose.

Here’s how you can use it to enhance your nurturing strategy:

  1. Personalized Communications: Use projects in Jarvi to personalize your messages. You can segment candidates based on their interests, application history, field of expertise, and other criteria to send highly targeted communications.
  2. Automated Follow-ups: Prepare message sequences or automatic reminders to stay in touch with candidates without increasing your recruiters’ workload.
  3. Interaction Tracking: Use Jarvi to track all interactions with each candidate, allowing you to assess the effectiveness of your nurturing strategies and adjust your actions accordingly.

Message Template in Jarvi

An example of a message template for my HR profiles who are open to new opportunities in Canada.

Ideas for Frequencies and Messages:

  • For active candidates: send a weekly update with information on new job openings, application tips, or success stories from other candidates.
  • For passive talents: a monthly communication might be enough, focusing on thought leadership articles, industry updates, or event invitations.
  • For former candidates: a quarterly check-in to explore new opportunities or changes in their career that might open new doors.

By using Jarvi to systematize and personalize these approaches, you can not only improve your candidate conversion rate but also strengthen your employer brand. This creates a pool of engaged talents ready to seize opportunities within your organization as soon as they arise.

Be aware that Jarvi is GDPR compliant. However, this does not exempt you from obtaining consent from individuals you wish to include in your newsletter or other information distribution groups. Additionally, stay attuned to your candidates and don’t hesitate to ask them questions or survey their willingness to be part of your “privileged” candidate pool. Remind them of the benefits of this approach and their privileged status, which will further engage them with you. If they do not wish to be part of it, or if they do not want to receive these messages, include them in groups with a lower frequency or in a “non-nurtured” pool.

This second option allows you to retain your most qualified candidates for your activities without nurturing them, but without losing them either.

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